While the steamy temperatures outside remind us it is not quite fall, August is a special season for the parents of new college students. Perhaps since the day my sons were born, I dreamed, prayed, and wondered about the men they would grow into. I remember feeling terror just before my first son was born as I pondered the daunting overwhelm of being responsible for another human being. And so began the parental love affair with my first son, second son, and third son. As parents, we get the gift of a lifetime to raise, teach, love, discipline, play, and do this thing called life with our children. We get 18 years to prepare them for their inauguration into adulthood. High school graduation gives us a glimpse of the upcoming feelings. Graduation is a celebration marked with a myriad of memories and closing a chapter of life. And, oh how I want to re-read many of the pages from that chapter! Thankfully, our hearts have never ending space to record and keep special moments close. As our children embark on their future, we are faced with yet another daunting task of letting go. Seasons change, leaves let go, roots deepen, and the tree grows. With trees, there is a specific task for each season. The leaves must let go to allow the focus of energy to transfer to the roots as they deepen during the upcoming season. What a gift to let go and see our children deepen their own roots, preparing them for their next season that brings forth their fruit. Good luck to all the parents out there as you brave the moment! It is an unforgettable experience to launch a child into college. Allow all feelings to come and go. And, be aware of getting stuck clinging to emotion. Breathe and give yourself permission to be exactly where you are. There is no manual for how you should be and the “shoulda coulda woulda” patrol are off duty! Do something fun for yourself and propel yourself into your new chapter. Finally, in all things, give thanks! May we all continue to learn and grow.